The NSF-funded CyberCorps Scholarship for Service program is designed to recruit and train the next generation of information technology professionals, industrial control system security professionals, and security managers to meet the needs of the cybersecurity mission for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments.
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The Department of Defense Cyber Service Academy (DoD CSA) is both a scholarship program for the DoD, and a capacity building tool for the nation. The program is a result of commitment from DoD and Congress to support higher education as a means to prepare the DoD workforce to deal with threats against the Department’s critical information system and networks.
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Both scholarships provide tuition, stipends and other benefits in exchange for government internships and post-graduation government employment. Students can apply for both opportunities.
Scholarship for Service (SFS)
DOD Cyber Service Academy (CSA)
Eligibility Requirements
U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
Willing to work in a government job
Qualify for a security clearance
Enrolled at BYU (or accepted): Cybersecurity BS, IT&Cybersecurity MS, or combination of both BS and MS
Be available to relocate for internship and job
3.0 GPA or higher (3.5 or higher recommended)
U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
Willing to work in a government job
Qualify for a security clearance
Enrolled at BYU (or accepted): Cybersecurity BS, IT&Cybersecurity MS, or combination of both BS and MS
Flexibility to relocate for internship and post-graduation job
3.2 GPA - rising Junior or Senior
3.5 GPA - Graduate
Length of Scholarship
2-3 years
1-5 years
Annual Stipend
$27k/year (undergrad) $37k/year (graduate)
$29k/year (undergrad) $34k/year (graduate)
Professional Allowance
$6000/yr used for:
travel to SFS career fair in Washington DC each year
one-time laptop/computer purchase
certifications, books, travel, professional training, conferences, etc.
BYU student health insurance
Travel to summer internship
One-time laptop/computer purchase
Required books paid for
Cyber-related conference
Attend annual career fair in Washington DC
Participate in research, outreach, and activities
Agree to some obligations regarding curriculum and GPA
Government summer internship
Find your own, with support
Work each summer between scholarship years
Assigned when scholarship granted
Work each summer between scholarship years
Post-graduation government job
Work one year for each year of scholarship received
Find your own, with support
Cybersecurity-focused qualifying government position
Work one year for each year of scholarship received